Tuesday, September 9, 2008

September 6-7 Weekend

On Saturday we ended up spending the whole day with my parents up island. I wasn't aware this was going to happen or else I would have brought my camera. Sorry guys! First we took a tour of Pacific Shores where Chris works. It was absolutely stunning. We had the best fish and chips ever!

Afterwards we went to this adorable little farm that has a cute little house set up for selling fruits and vegetables. We loaded up on corn, plums, organics garlic and zucchini. Yum!

Then we had to rush back to Nanaimo because we all had a dinner date with my Grandpa, uncle and brother. We had a big beer can chicken and Yahtzee tournament waiting for us! I did manage to get a few pics of the birds for you guys!
(One herb rub and one BBQ)

Saturday Francis and I had access to the mix master from Chris so we decided to bake all day and here are the results:
Francis made cinnamon rolls and I made chocolate chip pumpkin muffins and loaves. Delicious!

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