Monday, September 1, 2008

July 25-27 Weekend

The last weekend of July we ventured over to Vancouver to celebrate Gino's 30th birthday and take in a football game. It turned out perfectly that the BC lions were playing the Montreal Alouettes. Rosalyn and Francis have been promising each other that if the two teams were ever to meet in Vancouver that they would be at the game to watch the other squirm under defeat. It was on like donkey kong!

Here are some pics from the big game!
The cheerleaders doing a cheer with the BC Lion himself!
It wouldn't be a day out with Gino unless he embarrassed you in some way about 10 minutes into being there. *sigh* Gino caught the beach ball that was being passed around and then proceeded to spike it like a volley ball down onto the field which then lead to the entire arena erupting in a big BOOOOOOOOOOOOO at us. Fabulous!
There was plenty of booze flowing. Rosalyn and her dad made sure to take part in the booze fest!
The most fun part of the game was all the drama going on in our section. This guy was removed for being intoxicated. First he was yelling and looking like an idiot. Then he was waving his beers around and then dropped one right on the head of his girlfriend. Then beer bounced off her head and drenched the people sitting around them. As he left we all cheered " Na Na Na Na... Na Na Na Na... Hey Hey Hey... Good-bye " Hilarious!

Uh oh the Lions were ahead which lead to Francis getting serious.....
(Francis' serious game face caught on camera)The final score! Sorry Francis.... let the gloating begin...
Rosalyn and Dan gloating! Hehehe
Some post game photo opps
Afterwards we all went for a bite to eat. We stayed for the rest of the weekend to enjoy cake and spaghetti dinner to celebrate Gino's birthday.

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