Tuesday, September 9, 2008

August in a Nutshell

August was really a month of spending time with family and friends.

The first weekend of August was the first annual reunion for Ashley's side of the family. We missed the first day which was a big pig roast, but there was no way we could miss the second night which was a big salmon bake. Everything was delicious and thanks to Tammy for organizing everything!
The second weekend of August we celebrated Ashley's sister Jennifer's 32 birthday. We had everyone over for spaghetti dinner and cake. We also took Emillee, our niece, for the entire weekend. We took her to see WallE and spent some time at the park. While it was a fun weekend we were definitely a little more than burnt out. Kids have a lot of energy!!

The third weekend of August was spent camping with our friends the Cole's. The Cole's are our favorite family to hang out with. The first night it was Mrs.Cole, the two girls and Morgan. Poor Francis was the only testosterone and had to deal with giggling overly intoxicated girls and a very cranky park supervisor. Events included dumpster diving for things we threw in the dumpster while slightly tipsy and a lot of time in and by the lake. The second night it was narrowed to Mr.Cole and our Rosalyn. We played Cranium and I have to say that is the funnest game I have played in a long time. Mr.Cole was very good at keeping Deputy Dog (park supervisor) away so we could enjoy our night.

Hmm.... I'm not really sure what we did the following weekend. Our month was really packed so I'm hoping it was relax because I really can't remember, lol. Oh, now looking back at pictures I remember it was a family filled weekend. We went to Mom and Chris' to cook them dinner. Beer can chicken to be exact. Mmmm.

The last weekend was the best of all..... I'll post about this soon!

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