Tuesday, September 9, 2008

September 6-7 Weekend

On Saturday we ended up spending the whole day with my parents up island. I wasn't aware this was going to happen or else I would have brought my camera. Sorry guys! First we took a tour of Pacific Shores where Chris works. It was absolutely stunning. We had the best fish and chips ever!

Afterwards we went to this adorable little farm that has a cute little house set up for selling fruits and vegetables. We loaded up on corn, plums, organics garlic and zucchini. Yum!

Then we had to rush back to Nanaimo because we all had a dinner date with my Grandpa, uncle and brother. We had a big beer can chicken and Yahtzee tournament waiting for us! I did manage to get a few pics of the birds for you guys!
(One herb rub and one BBQ)

Saturday Francis and I had access to the mix master from Chris so we decided to bake all day and here are the results:
Francis made cinnamon rolls and I made chocolate chip pumpkin muffins and loaves. Delicious!

September Long Weekend

September long weekend was a great weekend for Francis and I. First we went camping overnight in Cumberland. We were lucky enough to get one of the two sites left but unlucky to be in the only rainy spot on the island that weekend, lol. We had tarps though so it was alright. We made s'mores and it was Francis' first time ever eating them. I always love it when we can show each other new things.

While we were up island Francis shopped for a new bike since he has his learners for it now.

Then on the way home we stopped at Parksville's Mini Golf. I have been dying to go since last year when we went on my birthday and realized they closed down for the season the week before :( We had a blast and I won a free game for the first time in my life playing there.

After that we made one last stop before heading back to Nanaimo. We stopped at Parksville beach and had a BBQ right on the beach. It was beautiful and a great way to end our trip.

The Monday of the long weekend was spent laying around playing video games. We needed a little bit of break. ;-)

August in a Nutshell

August was really a month of spending time with family and friends.

The first weekend of August was the first annual reunion for Ashley's side of the family. We missed the first day which was a big pig roast, but there was no way we could miss the second night which was a big salmon bake. Everything was delicious and thanks to Tammy for organizing everything!
The second weekend of August we celebrated Ashley's sister Jennifer's 32 birthday. We had everyone over for spaghetti dinner and cake. We also took Emillee, our niece, for the entire weekend. We took her to see WallE and spent some time at the park. While it was a fun weekend we were definitely a little more than burnt out. Kids have a lot of energy!!

The third weekend of August was spent camping with our friends the Cole's. The Cole's are our favorite family to hang out with. The first night it was Mrs.Cole, the two girls and Morgan. Poor Francis was the only testosterone and had to deal with giggling overly intoxicated girls and a very cranky park supervisor. Events included dumpster diving for things we threw in the dumpster while slightly tipsy and a lot of time in and by the lake. The second night it was narrowed to Mr.Cole and our Rosalyn. We played Cranium and I have to say that is the funnest game I have played in a long time. Mr.Cole was very good at keeping Deputy Dog (park supervisor) away so we could enjoy our night.

Hmm.... I'm not really sure what we did the following weekend. Our month was really packed so I'm hoping it was relax because I really can't remember, lol. Oh, now looking back at pictures I remember it was a family filled weekend. We went to Mom and Chris' to cook them dinner. Beer can chicken to be exact. Mmmm.

The last weekend was the best of all..... I'll post about this soon!

Monday, September 1, 2008

July 25-27 Weekend

The last weekend of July we ventured over to Vancouver to celebrate Gino's 30th birthday and take in a football game. It turned out perfectly that the BC lions were playing the Montreal Alouettes. Rosalyn and Francis have been promising each other that if the two teams were ever to meet in Vancouver that they would be at the game to watch the other squirm under defeat. It was on like donkey kong!

Here are some pics from the big game!
The cheerleaders doing a cheer with the BC Lion himself!
It wouldn't be a day out with Gino unless he embarrassed you in some way about 10 minutes into being there. *sigh* Gino caught the beach ball that was being passed around and then proceeded to spike it like a volley ball down onto the field which then lead to the entire arena erupting in a big BOOOOOOOOOOOOO at us. Fabulous!
There was plenty of booze flowing. Rosalyn and her dad made sure to take part in the booze fest!
The most fun part of the game was all the drama going on in our section. This guy was removed for being intoxicated. First he was yelling and looking like an idiot. Then he was waving his beers around and then dropped one right on the head of his girlfriend. Then beer bounced off her head and drenched the people sitting around them. As he left we all cheered " Na Na Na Na... Na Na Na Na... Hey Hey Hey... Good-bye " Hilarious!

Uh oh the Lions were ahead which lead to Francis getting serious.....
(Francis' serious game face caught on camera)The final score! Sorry Francis.... let the gloating begin...
Rosalyn and Dan gloating! Hehehe
Some post game photo opps
Afterwards we all went for a bite to eat. We stayed for the rest of the weekend to enjoy cake and spaghetti dinner to celebrate Gino's birthday.

Long Time ~ No Post

Hey Everyone! Things have been so crazy around here that I haven't posted in a while. Francis has been on my case to update everyone. Especially regarding the garden before its done for the season. Who would of thought he would be on my case about this blog? I knew he secretly liked the idea!!

Ok, so here's whats coming up in the next week:

  • A Post about our lovely garden. From start to current.
  • A Post for each weekend since the last weekend of July to show you what we've been up to.
Stay tuned!