Sunday, July 26, 2009

October 2008 In Pictures

Celebrating October birthdays with a big family dinner and game night.

I planned a surprise trip for Francis and I to go to Vancouver to celebrate our birthdays that are two weeks apart. We went to a hilarious comedy show downtown at Yuk Yuk's. The next day Francis entered a poker tournament at the River Rock casino and came in 8th during his first live tournament. Then we had a great day with friends and stayed a nice hotel downtown. The last day was a special day just for two. Great weekend!
Our friend Nathaniel surprised us with a nice ice cream cake for Francis!
Halloween is my favorite time of year. This year we enclosed the front porch area and built a mini haunted house. Francis hid on the balcony upstairs and turned on a fog machine when kids entered that would fill the whole area with spooky smoke. The kids loved it! Unfortunately we only had a few. This picture isn't very good. I'll try to take better pictures this year when we do it again.
Our best pumpkin carving job ever!

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