Sunday, July 26, 2009

April 2009 In Pictures

April was a real treat for us. Francis' boss paid for us to go a conference in Penticton which is where we met picking cherries years ago. This is a picture of us in above Lake Okanagan.
Francis standing on the Penticton sign. It's huge, just like the Hollywood sign but made from cement and stone.
Us standing with the city of Penticton in the background. I would really love to move back there one day.

While Francis was in conference meetings all day I got to participate in the Partners Program which was so fun. I got to go on wine tours, paddle boat rides, lunch outings, beading classes... it was great.

Me steering the boat with the Captain! All the other "partners". I had a blast with these women.
Our hotel as seen from the boat.

Francis and I at Okanagan Falls beach where we used to hang out every day after work in the orchards with the rest of the hippy folk.
Earlier in the month Emillee came to visit and take part in Easter fun activities like Easter bunny hut and basket decorating.

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