Sunday, July 26, 2009

June 2009 In Pictures

June was a hard month for my family. After a short battle with small cell carcinoma my Grandfather, my favorite person in the world, passed away on June 1st. On June 20th we got together for a memorial service. Against everyone else's pleas I pushed everyone into having a family picture together.
All the cousins and children of cousins.

Aunts and Uncles

Later in the month Francis and I traveled to Vancouver to spend time with our friends and celebrate Nathaniel's birthday in style at Antons Italian Eatery.
Me and the birthday boy!
Francis with Gino, Nathaniel's brother
Francis looks scared as Gino offers him a bite of the delicious complimentary dessert.
I tell him to go for it.Yummy!!! :)

May 2009 In Pictures

May consisted of a lot of family time and camping fun. We made sure to get some camping in with the Cole family asap. May long weekend was the perfect time to get started. We went up to Qualicum and it was just stunningly beautiful.

April 2009 In Pictures

April was a real treat for us. Francis' boss paid for us to go a conference in Penticton which is where we met picking cherries years ago. This is a picture of us in above Lake Okanagan.
Francis standing on the Penticton sign. It's huge, just like the Hollywood sign but made from cement and stone.
Us standing with the city of Penticton in the background. I would really love to move back there one day.

While Francis was in conference meetings all day I got to participate in the Partners Program which was so fun. I got to go on wine tours, paddle boat rides, lunch outings, beading classes... it was great.

Me steering the boat with the Captain! All the other "partners". I had a blast with these women.
Our hotel as seen from the boat.

Francis and I at Okanagan Falls beach where we used to hang out every day after work in the orchards with the rest of the hippy folk.
Earlier in the month Emillee came to visit and take part in Easter fun activities like Easter bunny hut and basket decorating.

March 2009 In Pictures

Dave came to visit!
We made sure to show him a local treat. Deep fried chocolate bars with a side of ice cream! Yum!

A night none of us will ever forget! Being trapped at the Dinghy Dock Pub due to weather conditions.

Francis and Dave making the best of the situation by enjoying another beer.

We decided to celebrate Dave's visit with a St.Patrick's day party!

February 2009 In Pictures

It seems in February I didn't take any pictures of actual people or things we did. We celebrated our Anniversary but left the camera at home. I did however catch these two cuddling all over the house when they thought we weren't looking!
What a comfortable way to sleep! This made me laugh so hard when I found them sleeping like this so I had to take a picture. Sorry Francis!

The kitties sleeping all curled up on the couch.
Kitties sleeping in our bed.And of course in the laundry room sink.

January 2009 In Pictures

In January we celebrate my moms birthday by throwing her a birthday dinner party.

Things got a little silly but mom looks cute so I couldn't resist.

Francis and I cooking dinner in an overcrowded kitchen.
Jenn and her cute Felix hat.
Men doing what they do best... holding down the couch cushions.

December 2008 In Pictures

Instead of going out into the woods and cutting down a tree like usual this year we went to a Christmas tree farm. We paid $25 and got to walk around an entire field of trees before picking one. I would definitely do this again. It was really fun. Gino came along to make sure we picked the perfect tree.

Francis was pretty excited!
Our beautiful tree all decked out for the occasion. I was really excited to use all the handmade ornaments that my Grandma and Grandpa made me years ago.
Christmas day at moms house. Nick and I share a laugh.
Me and mike. Or rather what you can see of Mike... always hiding from the camera.
My moms teeny little tree surrounded by a mountain of presents. :)
Christmas night at Jenn's house. Emillee posing in front of the tree.
My little nephew Marshall is excited for turkey dinner.
Marshall playing with his gift from Auntie and Uncle.
While Francis was in Quebec the house started to fall apart. First the pipes froze so I had no water. No way to shower, wash clothes, drink water or cook anything requiring water. Then the gutters filled with melted snow and hardened making gigantic ice cubes which ripped the gutters off the roof. As the gutter fell it knocked off half the censor lights and my clothes line. It then proceed to squash the BBQ, garbage can lid and our outdoor chairs. Lovely!