Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Hong Kong Pics R Up / Mama I'm Comin Home

Yes! I'm finally finished uploading the best pictures from Hong Kong. Of course I still owe you guys a write up about our adventure there but that is still to come. Oooh excitement, I know. Its been hard to upload pictures and such with the crappiness they call internet here. It takes forever.

Its a good thing I'm getting caught up because...


Yes, thats right. Its been one year already. If we dont leave tomorrow our tickets will expire and we are too broke to buy new ones. Plus, theres that whole being a responsible adult thing where we are supposed to be settling down with jobs, houses and such.

So Feb 2 we leave Thailand. Feb 2 we arrive in Vancouver. Thank you time zone changes!

We will spend two nights at Nathaniels. Yay! Then we head to Nanaimo on Friday to spend the weekend catching up with family. Double Yay!

We miss everyone so much and can't wait to see all of your beautiful happy shining faces.

Love Us

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