Monday, September 27, 2010

Fritz, Ben and Francis enjoy a laugh over a local map
Ashley standing on the gigantic weed pile
Weeding 1000 hectares is hard. Picking up the weeds afterwards... not much fun either
Froggy enjoying our all natural recycled material toilet paper with froggies printed on it.
Giant Boab Tree just before Kununurra

1 comment:

Marie Asdal-Ikonen said...

Hey Ashley & Francis!
I've just spent the last hour reading your blog and looking at your photos!! WHAT AN ADVENTURE! I can't say that I'm not MEGA jealous!! Owning a home, strapped with a massive mortgage and a slave to full-time work really just makes your life so much more appealing. I know it's not easy..but it looks so rewarding :) Absolutely amazing photos too.. my favourite is the frog on the toilet paper! that's hilarious.. they must be everywhere? Markus and I are thinking of making a trip to Australia in the next couple of years.. more of a visit than an adventure though.. have you seen any of those giant spiders I hear of? Are you planning to stay in Australia, or move back home?

So many questions! Sorry!

Well, it looks like you're truly having the time of your lives and I really enjoyed looking at your photos and reading your adventures. Looking forward to the new posts :)
