Monday, September 27, 2010

Strangest bug I have ever seen
Enjoying our first starfruit
Francis doing a little clean up around camp
A hairy "bum" looking for handouts
The Spriggs family with us at Zebedee Springs - El Questro
Francis on the way to Zebedee Springs
El Questro
Camping at Home Valley Station
Ashley in front of the Cockburn Range
Francis in front of the cockburn range
Francis in front on the Boab Prison Tree
Aboriginal Rock Art
Francis in front of the Wyndham Crocodile
Ashley at Warriu Parkin Wyndham
1000 hectares of Chia - Francis climbed a mountain to take this picture
A sea of flowering Chia
Chia flowers
Francis enjoying a yellow watermelon
Chia flowers on the ground
Ashley in front of the same mountain range
Francis standing in front of the mountain range where part of the movie Australia was filmed
Francis and his melons
Francis cooking "snags" and potatoes on the best smelling campfire we've ever had.
Francis enjoys some amazing gelato from the Wild Mango
Robert joins in on the map fun
Fritz, Ben and Francis enjoy a laugh over a local map
Ashley standing on the gigantic weed pile
Weeding 1000 hectares is hard. Picking up the weeds afterwards... not much fun either
Froggy enjoying our all natural recycled material toilet paper with froggies printed on it.
Giant Boab Tree just before Kununurra