Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Unknown said...

I miss you Ashley! It looks like you and Francis are having an absolutely wonderful time. We may have missed each other before you left, but here's hoping we can arrange something when you get back (unless you take an extension, then I guess we'll have to come down to see you?). I hope your trip continues to be a wonderful learning and enjoying experience! You have both worked hard for this! You deserve every joy you get from it! - Jen (from SDM)

The Happy Couple said...

Jen!! Thank you so much for your sweet comment. You are the first person to ever comment on our blog. Yay, you will get special recognition for that. :) The trip has been pretty great so far. I wish I had more time and internet access to update the blog and add pictures. We are about a month plus behind in pictures but eventually I will catch up. I can't wait to catch up with you and tell you all our stories. I would love to see you over here but if not then I owe you a leeche jelly drink from the food court! ;)

The Happy Couple said...

Jen!! Thank you so much for your sweet comment. You are the first person to ever comment on our blog. Yay, you will get special recognition for that. :) The trip has been pretty great so far. I wish I had more time and internet access to update the blog and add pictures. We are about a month plus behind in pictures but eventually I will catch up. I can't wait to catch up with you and tell you all our stories. I would love to see you over here but if not then I owe you a leeche jelly drink from the food court! ;)