Friday, February 5, 2010

Salutations from Sydney

We have accomplished a long term goal. Francis and I are currently in Sydney. We arrived here 4 days ago. We took a 13 hour flight from Vancouver to Hong Kong and then a second flight from Hong Kong to Sydney. Luckily Cathay Pacific rocks as an airline so it wasn't too horrible, they even had somebody greet and escort us through the Hong Kong airport.
Currently we are staying in an area called Surry Hills but tomorrow we'll be moving on to another hostel in Kings Cross. The area we are in now is quite central and is only a 15 min walk to downtown. Kings Cross is more of a backpackers area where there are a ton of hostels and people looking to sell vehicles to travel in. We are hoping to locate a vehicle in the next few days. We have already bought a cell phone to help us in this area.
There used to be a really awesome place there where backpackers could buy a space in an underground parking lot to try and sell their vehicles before they left. Sometimes you could get a really awesome deal because people had to leave Australia in a hurry. Sadly it closed in December so we just missed it. Now the name (King Cross Car Market) has been scooped up by some dealers that try to sell you a van for $8,000+. Luckily the dealer was a little dumb and let the name of a new backpacker area slip, so now we are moving to that area. There is a street called Victoria St where people park their vehicles in hopes to sell quickly.
Things are going well for us so far. We have seen a lot and walked even more. I am a coupon scavanger now as tourist attractions are very expensive. The average cost is $35/person. We are researching things and will only check out a few things but we will also be in and out of Sydney a lot so there will be more opportunities.
We saw the Sydney Opera House the other day. The Beach Boys were playing with the Sydney Symphony but were sadly sold out. We decided instead of paying $35 for the tour that we will try to catch a show there later on.
Today we crossed the Sydney Bridge. You can climb right over the very top of it if you want.. for $200. We chose to just climb the stairs to the look out for $9.50 and got to learn a lot about it and even see a movie about the building of the bridge. After we crossed the bridge we went to the famous Luna Park. It was pretty dead and depressing. We shared a delicious icecream cone though. :)
Everything is super expensive here. A can of soda is $2.70. I am used to paying a dollar. I believe minimum wage here is $16/hr. I am pretty excited to start picking some fruit to make some money soon.
So far our hostel roommates have been great. We have had one steady girl from London who has helped answer a lot of our questions. Last night we had another roommate (4 bed room) and he was from the USA. Today we have another male from Italy. I also made friends with an Argentina girl in the common area. We have been lucky so far with roommates. Everyone has been quiet and trustworthy. I like this hostel a lot. I'll be sad to leave in the morning but I guess thats the life we are living now.

I will try to post pics soon and post more regularly.

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